
Building One’s Brand As A New Manager

Date: August 14, 2024

Most new managers face the challenge in their new role. However, if one understands the challenges and plans to deal with them, one can easily handle the new role. To help with it, here are the top five challenges that every first-time manager faces and how they can work through them to establish their brand as an effective leader. A good learning program on first time manager training addresses most of the below points.

1. How does one establish authority as a new manager?

  • Spending time getting to know their direct reports. Even if they have worked with them previously, team members will have different expectations from them once they become a manager.
  • Not trying to bring radical changes from day one. It will create friction between them and the team as the team will mostly resist sudden shifts to their way of functioning. Try to make small enhancements successfully to build their own credibility.
  • Being humble but firm with their decisions. Never letting their team members question their authority. But, at the same time, not being overbearing with an autocratic approach.
  • Recognizing that the working relationship has changed. Being transparent in their approach to make the team understand the new relationship dynamics. Setting clear expectations about the boundaries directly with each individual.

2. How does a one build trust as a new manager?

  • Trust is built on open communications. Hence, start on a good note by sharing their plans with the team. It will show they are transparent in their approach and willing to include the team in their decision-making process.
  • Protecting their team from failures and take responsibility for their decisions. It will make the team members feel safe under their leadership. In turn, they will believe that they are capable of handling the role.
  • Being consistent in their approach towards the product, team, and stakeholders. Making sure to follow through on their commitments. It will assure what the team can expect from they and can help develop trust.
  • Not encouraging workplace politics and staying away from favouritism. These negative behaviours can make people lose respect for them as a leader. Hence, being fair to everyone they work with and giving equal opportunities for them to grow.

3. How does one effectively manage a diverse team as a new manager?

  • Knowing what drives each individual on their team. Recognizing their aspirations and challenges. It can help them connect better with them and lead towards forging more robust relationships.
  • Using performance reviews and one-on-ones to share their expectations from each member. Understanding how they feel about working under specific conditions such as a flexible schedule or a high-pressure environment.
  • Encouraging dialogue between team members to resolve any disagreements arising from conflicting interests. Supporting each member to build a collaborative work environment where everyone can grow together.
  • Managing performance reviews with compassion whenever there is a difference of opinion between they and their team member. It will help maintain open communications regardless of whether they agree or not with their assessment.

4. How does one manage upper management as a new manager?

  • Understanding the corporate structure and organizational culture. Finding out who influences the decisions related to their team the most. Try to understand their strategy so that they can direct their effort in alignment with it.
  • Focusing on executing their immediate leader’s priorities. Aligning their ideas with their leader’s vision. As they and their team need to be in sync to be successful, similarly, they need to be aligned with their leader to grow.
  • The higher they have to deal in the management ladder, the less time they have to spare for they. Hence, communicating with power and precision. Having data to support what they state. Being precise in their discussions and jump straight to the point.
  • Not letting down or speaking foul about their team in front of the higher management. Remember, leaders will build a perception based on how they represent their team. If there are weaknesses within their team, then it is their responsibility to work on them.

5. How does one maintain personal effectiveness as a new manager?

  • As a new manager, not being afraid to step out of their comfort zone while making decisions and bringing changes within their team.
  • Setting personal objectives that are clear and specific. Making sure the goals are balanced across their competing needs.
  • Evaluate their self every week. Being open to coaching if needed. Reflecting upon the decisions made and learn from them to grow as an individual and as a manager.
  • Working on their interpersonal skills to build strong relationships within the team and across the organization. Being patient with themself and learn to be more efficient by collaborating with other leaders.

It’s not easy to be a first-time manager. Getting into management can seem like an easy task, but it requires patience, focus, and determination in practice. As a new manager, it is imperative to understand that they need to deliver results while developing their own self to lead. At the same time, it takes a lot of perseverance to make people acknowledge and accept them as their leader. A robust first time manager training program helps new managers overcome the above challenges with ease.

This blog is written by Amol Dhamne, a Consultant & Facilitator with GrowthSqapes

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