G-PULSE: GrowthSqapes - Program For Unique Leadership & Strategic Excellence

To combat, win-over or adapt to the changing business situations to remain profitable, middle-level organizational leaders irrespective of their functions must have the wherewithal to change themselves, change people, change processes, thereby changing the whole organization, either incrementally or by means and methods of radical change. This not only calls for periodic middle management training but also extended mid level leadership programs.

Being “transformative” refers to having the capability to transform. This leadership training program for managers does internal programming and rewiring of the incumbent leader so as to develop the courage of envisioning a positive future, to embark upon the task of aligning the change in the business processes and to inspire and motivate people to shape the future business success of the organization. The aim of this leadership competency development program is to arouse the “transformative being” in the participant who starts believing in a compelling positive future.

We at GrowthSqapes have very sensitively and carefully designed the middle managers program in such a way that it develops the key competencies that are required to play the role of a transformative middle manager effectively. Our solution equips the middle manager to have pulse feel of the business and the organization and enhances her readiness for the role of transformative middle-manger. G-PULSE is our patented solution that has transformed many.



  • To develop the necessary competence in the middle manager to play the role of an effective manager of managers.
  • Develop the key functional and managerial capabilities required in the new role.
  • Equip the middle managers in totality – in the context of thinking, feeling and strategic decision-making for the business.
  • Enable the creation and application of individual plans to create business impact.
Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

This corporate leadership development solution is a must for middle-level managers who have the experience and motivation to excel in their roles and be more effective as a manager of managers.

Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  • Awareness and adoption of characteristic critical behaviours that lead to the exhibition of highly effective leadership competencies.
  • Understand business process management as well as people management proficiencies towards higher leadership and managerial effectiveness.
  • Emotional Intelligence training, Personal Leadership & Managerial Style awareness and adoption for better team and business unit climate.
  • Learn to navigate the complex internally as well external organizational ecosystem of shareholders, leaders, peers and managers by wearing different hats.
Business Impact for Organization

Business Impact for Organization

  • Builds a pipeline of visionary leaders for tomorrow.
  • Give the organization a sustained competitive edge built on its people.
  • Succession planning becomes an institutionalized process than an ad hoc reactionary practice.
  • Creation of effective organizational climate that augers well for business sustainability.

Design Elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Individual assessments

Individual assessments

Agreement on development goals

Agreement on development goals

Learning laboratories

Learning laboratories

Actioned Learning Projects

Actioned Learning Projects

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Delivery Elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blending

Technology blending

High Performer Development

It is a unanimously accepted fact that an organisation’s sustainable success depends upon the development of the right leadership strength and hence nothing can be more vital to a company’s long-term health than the nurturing and development of the high performers. These are the people who will form the succession pipeline for the next level and their capability development can substantially improve organizational performance.

With a globally researched and benchmarked approach, GrowthSqapes enables organizations to fast-track leadership capability development of high performers, thereby driving leadership effectiveness and performance at the middle level.



  • Foster a culture of development of top performers.
  • Ensures a strong bench of the next generation of senior leaders.
  • Build longer-term organisational capacity and capability.
  • Sustain and promote organisational growth.
Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

Top performers at the middle level who have the ability, experience, intellectual agility, motivation, and self-regulation to rise to and succeed in the next level of leadership in the organization.

Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  • Understand the importance of a leadership role in facilitating organisational growth.
  • Innovative ideas and big picture thinking for significant improvement in decision making.
  • Strengthen emotional intelligence for developing stronger relationships and driving higher levels of productivity from the team.
  • Navigate through, drive and lead change.
Business Impact for Organization

Business Impact for Organization

  • Achieve sustainable business results driven by strengthened leadership capabilities.
  • Implement a comprehensive and highly effective framework for driving any change.
  • Build a more collaborative and productive leadership team.
  • Improved and sustainable leadership capacity and level of engagement.

Design Elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Individual assessments

Individual assessments

Agreement on development goals

Agreement on development goals

Learning laboratories

Learning laboratories

Actioned Learning Projects

Actioned Learning Projects

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Delivery Elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blending

Technology blending

Building Emotional intelligence

The challenges faced by today’s leaders are more complex than faced by their predecessors. Hence in today’s VUCAD world leaders experience monumental challenges pertaining to work life balance, stress, productivity demands, engagement, burnout  and attrition. As a recently researched subject, it has been seen that Emotional Intelligence plays a central role in realizing success in both personal and professional life of the leader.

GrowthSqapes’solution ” Building Emotional Intelligence” is built on the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and it’s applications that prepares leaders to overcome the above mentioned challenges by developing potencies in areas of self awareness, self regulation, self motivation, empathy, social skills among other relevant emotionally intelligent behaviours.



  • Build a more self- aware leadership team across the organization
  • To ensures a strong bench of emotionally intelligent business leaders 
  • To build longer term organisational capability
  • To promote and foster a growth focussed organisational climate
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

Middle level leaders who have the ability, experience, intellectual agility, motivation, and self-regulation to rise to and succeed in the next level of leadership in the organization.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence in the Leadership role 
  • Understand self- awareness and strengthen emotional intelligence for better regulation of self
  • Apply the learnings in a real time basis to actual business/personal challenges faced 
  • Improve skills to maximize productivity and manage conflicts better
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Achieve sustainable business results driven by emotionally intelligent leadership
  • Make the organisation more agile and motivated in terms of change readiness
  • Build a high performing and collaborative leadership team 
  • Develop understanding of development areas of leaders via individual and group assessment reports.

Design elements

Individual EQ assessment

Individual EQ assessment

Individual feedback and coaching

Individual feedback and coaching

Training workshops

Training workshops

Individual Development Plans

Individual Development Plans

Delivery elements

Facilitation / Presentation

Facilitation / Presentation

Activity / Simulations

Activity / Simulations

Role play / Real play

Role play / Real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blending

Technology blending

Women in leadership

Forbes research  shows that among the 25 firms with the highest percentage of women CXOs and board members, the median returns on assets and equity were at least 74% higher than other companies. Additionally, the leadership development India data shows that 11% of leadership roles are presently taken by women (The Global Leadership Forecast 2018, DDI). This is across the nature of the industry. With the growing number of women in our workforce, more and more organizations are seeking to build women leaders as a competitive advantage by developing the key women managers at their critical career transition points to become effective future leaders.

We at GrowthSqapes help to diagnose at self-level, domestic support level, psychodynamic level, group level and systems-level to recommend interventions at these levels so as to ensure that the women managers’ career is durable and not derailed.



  • Support the creation of a more gender-diverse workforce.
  • Groom high potential women employees to take higher-order roles.
  • Create a women leadership pipeline.
  • Encourage diverse values and perspectives in business. 


Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

Mid to senior-level Women Executives in managerial roles.



Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  • Develop a strategic vision and sharper decision-making skill in complex business situations.
  • Learn to use a variety of leadership styles that are effective for individuals, teams and business situations.
  • Learn to develop an executive presence as a woman to lead growth, manage the crisis, drive innovation and assertive decision making.
  • Learn to create and manage your career strategy that balances business-life and work-life.
Business Impact for the Organization

Business Impact for the Organization

  • This leadership training gives a competitive advantage to the organization through the development of key women managers.
  • More balanced gender diversity in the organization.
  • Extension of the executive leadership talent pool’s presence and influence in the organization.
  • Generation of unique entrepreneurial thinking, beliefs and actions of women towards harnessing fresh opportunities and new horizons for the organization.

Design Elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Individual assessments

Individual assessments

Training workshop

Training workshop



Actioned Learning Projects

Actioned Learning Projects

Coaching and feedback sessions

Coaching and feedback sessions

Delivery Elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Appreciative enquiry

Appreciative enquiry

Case study Discussion/world cafe

Case study Discussion/world cafe

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Specific Competency Development

Members of the middle leadership team shoulder the responsibility of executing business strategy, leading organizations with confidence during change and inspiring stakeholders continuously. In most organizations, the mid-managers transition to senior leadership with the existing functional expertise, but the new responsibilities demand them to hold a macro view of the organization and its operating environment.

We understand the complexities and challenges of the middle-level leadership role. Our competency framework-based leadership development program/workshop is researched and developed through experience and insights over years of work across client industries.

In our competency development training programs, we customize global content to the local context that helps organizations to equip their middle-level leaders with high performing leadership behaviours required to achieve business impact.

Leading Change

Effective managers in the role of managing business and people processes often need to influence large workgroups for high-quality and schedule-adhered action deliveries. Influencing others’ thinking positively to take up tasks happily, managing emotions, inspiring others and delivering on time is the leadership act of leading change. Leaders are expected to initiate leading others through change so as to fast-track the organizational change initiative in the fast-changing external business environment.

Through its leadership development program, GrowthSqapes enables organizations to fast-track the development of leadership capability to lead change thereby driving leadership and organisation effectiveness.



  • Identifying, acknowledging and relating to forces of change internal and external to the organization.
  • Identify the levels and location of change to intervene with confidence-building actions for mass appreciation.
  • Develop hope, optimism, resilience and personal efficacy at self-level to help, coach, guide and support people resistant to change.
  • Develop the ability to communicate radical change in large groups.
Who should Attend?

Who should Attend?

This change management training is for Leaders, Strategic Business Unit Heads (SBU Heads), Managers, Process Owners, Plant Managers, Line Supervisors.

Key learning for Participants

Key learning for Participants

  • Role awareness and effectiveness in the context of leading change.
  • Know how people react to change with their defences and insecurities.
  • Learn the skills at self-level to understand, adapt and lead the change to envision and forecast the business future.
  • Understand the models and process to enable the change.
Business impact for the Organisation

Business impact for the Organisation

  • Development of organization-wide leadership competencies to lead change.
  • Gain higher levels of readiness in managing either sudden or planned change.
  • Keep the organization agile and sustainable.
  • Improved employee morale and motivation.
Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Individual assessments

Individual assessments

Training workshop

Training workshop

Actioned Learning Projects

Actioned Learning Projects

Coaching and feedback sessions

Coaching and feedback sessions

Delivery Element

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / Simulations

Activity / Simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Blended Learning

Blended Learning

Case study discussion/ World cafe

Case study discussion/ World cafe

Strategic Mindset

Today, with the emergence of increasing complexity in the business environment, disruption, rapid pace of change and ever increasing competition, in order to enable the organisation to survive and prosper in a global market place, business leaders have to not only create the right strategy, but also ensure seamless execution for the achievement of business results.

Based on our competency framework, GrowthSqapes’ leadership development program pertaining to strategic mindset guides the middle- level leaders to develop the critical competence of creation and execution of various strategies in an organization focussed on growth mindset.



  • To develop the importance of strategy creation in a mid- level leadership role
  • Establish the linkage between organisation’s vision and strategic initiatives
  • Encourage the application the principles of strategic thinking to the departments/functions
  • Promote skills to create business strategy and monitor its execution .
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

Business Leaders and mid-level executives at the corporate, business, or functional level in an organization.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Develop strategic mind-set to balance core business and new initiatives.
  • Understand and use analytical tools to identify and evaluate a business’s strategy and its position in the industry 
  • Design winning strategies that align with organization culture and sustain competitive advantage.
  • Learn to essential components of strategy execution



Business impact for Organization

Business impact for Organization

  • Build the strategic abilities of the mid- level leadership team
  • Enhance ability to capitalize on the market opportunities by leveraging organizational strengths.
  • Improve the implementation of Organizational Strategies
  • Create competitive advantage

Design elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Learning workshop

Learning workshop

Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blending

Technology blending

Coaching dialogues

Coaching conversations with the team members regarding their development are an essential component of successful performance management and can really help organisations drive business impact. But those development conversations which enable performance are not so easy to make. The responsibility to have coaching conversations falls on line managers, most of whom are not trained in the difficult art of making a coaching conversation that enables real performance .

GrowthSqapes believes that middle level managers need to be developed through leadership training programs to ensure coaching conversations are handled in a way that makes all team members empowered to attain their professional and personal goals in life



  • Build an understanding of the role of a leader in enabling and managing performance
  • Develop higher order skills pertaining to coaching to drive performance
  • Drive a culture of coaching in the organisation
  • Build alignment aspirations, achievement and rewards
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

Business Leaders, mid-level executives and business unit managers at the corporate, business, or functional level in an organization.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Enable the process of setting goals aligned to the aspirations of team members
  • Help team members to create strategies and actions to achieve the goals
  • Learning the skill of review and feedback to drive attainment of goals
  • Learning to motivate team members towards attainment of goal
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Improved role effectiveness of the managers
  • Improved productivity and predictability of business results
  • Reduced attrition and higher level of Team Engagement
  • Positive impact on organisation culture and performance

Design elements

Training workshops

Training workshops



Coaching sessions

Coaching sessions



Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blend

Technology blend

Developing Emotional Intelligence

The challenges faced by today’s mid-level leaders are more complex than faced by their predecessors. Hence in today’s VUCAD world mid-level leaders experience monumental challenges pertaining to work life balance, stress, productivity demands, engagement, burnout and attrition. As a recently researched subject, it has been seen that Emotional Intelligence plays a central role in realizing success in both personal and professional life of the leader.

GrowthSqapes’solution “Developing Emotional Intelligence” is built on the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and it’s applications that prepares mid-level leaders to overcome the above mentioned challenges by developing potencies in areas of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, social skills among other relevant emotionally intelligent behaviours.



  • Build a more self- aware leadership team across the organization
  • To ensures a strong bench of emotionally intelligent business leaders
  • To build longer term organisational capability at the mid-level
  • To promote and foster a growth focussed organizational climate
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

  • Middle level leaders who have the ability, experience, intellectual agility, motivation, and self-regulation to rise to and succeed in the next level of leadership in the organization.
Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence in the leadership role
  • Understand self- awareness and strengthen emotional intelligence for better regulation of self
  • Apply the learnings in a real time basis to actual business/personal challenges faced
  • Improve skills to maximize productivity and manage conflicts better
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Achieve sustainable business results driven by emotionally intelligent leadership
  • Make the organisation more agile and motivated in terms of change readiness
  • Build a high performing and collaborative leadership team
  • Develop understanding of development areas of leaders via individual and group assessment reports.

Design Elements

Individual EQ assessment

Individual EQ assessment

Individual feedback and coaching

Individual feedback and coaching

Training workshops

Training workshops

Individual Development Plans

Individual Development Plans

Delivery Elements

Facilitation / Presentation

Facilitation / Presentation

Activity / Simulations

Activity / Simulations

Role play / Real play

Role play / Real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blending

Technology blending

Impactful Business Presentations

Being an outstanding communicator is one of the most important and critical skills a leader/professional can work to achieve. An effective communicator can not only help sort out the deluge of information the average person is surrounded with but also impart the same to lead, influence, and inspire others.

Delivering an impactful and effective presentation can be the key differentiator that provides the competitive edge for any business leader. Any program that attempts to demystify the stress and nerves surrounding a presentation and provides a structured methodology for the participants to prepare to deliver an effective, high impact presentation is ergo most welcome.

Great presenters are not born. They learn the relevant skills and take the time and the commitment to practice them and make them their own.

Growthsqapes’ Impactful Presentations solution focuses on skilling the business leader to structure and deliver an effective presentation that builds credibility and engages their audience while clearly and persuasively conveying the message.



  • Build an understanding of various presentation structures and styles.
  • Determine and develop personal presentation style.
  • Learn both functional and behavioural skills pertaining to presentations.
  • Acquire and practice the skills necessary to deliver an impactful presentation.
Who should attend

Who should attend

  • Sales professionals
  • Team managers
  • Project/ Business managers
  • Support function professionals
  • Marketing/Brand Managers
  • HR Professionals
Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Understand the elements needed for making presentations that leave a lasting impact.
  • Connect with stakeholders at a logical and emotional level.
  • Map the mind of the audience and learn to tell a story.
  • Make compelling arguments to present one’s case over various media.
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Improved organizational skill base pertaining to a crucial ability in today’s context.
  • Better presentation of organization’s corporate image.
  • Creation of a pool of leaders who can market, persuade, motivate, energize and influence.
  • Enhanced showcasing of value proposition to various stakeholders.

Design elements



Training workshops

Training workshops





Delivery elements



Role plays

Role plays

Audio visuals

Audio visuals



Enquiry form


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