Transformational Leadership

Being “transformative” refers to having the capability to transform. It also means, to combat, win-over or adapt to the changing business situations to remain profitable. Since the change in the VUCAD world is the only constant, organizational leaders at the senior level, irrespective of their functions, must have the wherewithal to change themselves, change people, change processes thereby changing the whole organization either incrementally or by means and methods of radical change.

Our Transformational Leadership Development Program does an internal programming and rewiring of the incumbent leader so as to develop him as an internal organizational change management consultant, develop the courage of envisioning a positive future, to embark upon the task of aligning the changing business processes, and to inspire and motivate people to shape the future business success of the organization. To summarize, develop the leader through not only emotional intelligence training but also strategic thinking training.



  • Develop the vision and competence of the senior leadership team to facilitate change.
  • Develop leadership competencies that facilitate the transformation in the entire organisation.
  • Harness constructive ways of thinking to bring in innovation, creativity and transformation across the organisation.
  • Create a robust pool of change leaders.


Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

Experienced Industrialists, Business Executives, Entrepreneurs and Leaders from public, private, small and medium sectors from a variety of industries.

Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  • Learn to develop the vision and competencies needed to be a leader of change.
  • Align the self to higher-order purposes that translate as a durable driver of personal and business transformation.
  • Learn to develop a capacity towards identifying and aligning ethical beliefs and transformative values that facilitates value adherence and change in the entire organisation.
  • Develop higher levels of self-awareness so as to embody radical but constructive ways of thinking to bring in innovation and transformation across business and human society.


Business Impact for the Organization

Business Impact for the Organization

  • The arrival of the organization to higher levels of total organizational excellence.
  • Creation of a robust pool of change leaders leading to competitive advantage.
  • Development of leadership competencies that facilitate the transformation in the entire organisation.
  • Creation of a more innovative, creative and transformed organisation.

Design Elements

Organizational diagnostics

Organizational diagnostics

Individual potential assessment

Individual potential assessment

Agreement on development goals

Agreement on development goals

Learning laboratories

Learning laboratories

Actioned Learning Projects

Actioned Learning Projects

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Delivery Elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

High-Potential Development

It is a universally accepted phenomenon that an organisation’s future success depends upon the right leadership and hence nothing can be more vital to a company’s long-term health than the choice and cultivation of its future leaders especially those who are at the top 5% of the performance pyramid. These are the people who we refer to as Top Talent or High Potentials (Hi-Pots) and their capability development can improve the organizational performance substantially.

With a globally researched and benchmarked approach design GrowthSqapes enables organizations to fast-track leadership capability development of high potentials thereby driving leadership effectiveness and performance.



  • To build the leadership reserves across the organization.
  • To ensures a strong bench of next-generation leaders.
  • To build longer-term organisational capability.
  • To sustain and promote organisational growth.
Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

Top 3% to 5% of the organisation’s talent who have the ability, experience, intellectual agility, motivation, and self-regulation to rise to and succeed in senior positions in the organization.

Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  • Understand Leadership role in facilitating organisational growth.
  • Innovative ideas and big picture thinking for significant improvement in decision making.
  • Strengthen emotional intelligence for greater influence, stronger relationships, and higher levels of productivity from the team.
  • Improve negotiation skills and understand how communication style influences leadership outcomes.
Business Impact for Organization

Business Impact for Organization

  • Measurably grow leaders to lead the organization in the future.
  • Achieve sustainable results driven by strengthened leadership capabilities.
  • Implement a comprehensive and highly effective framework for managing change.
  • Build a more collaborative and productive leadership team.

Design Elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Individual potential assessment

Individual potential assessment

Agreement on development goals

Agreement on development goals

Learning laboratories

Learning laboratories

Actioned Learning Projects

Actioned Learning Projects

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Coaching and Feedback sessions

Delivery Elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Succession Planning

Organizations deliver business results and remain effective because certain individuals act as key resources. Human capital depreciation, attrition, retirement and other causes of separation are business realities. Planning successors is a core business strategy to help the organization enter its future with increased readiness and minimum loss of talent and leadership competencies.

Human Capital sensitive organizations take a preemptive strategic approach towards their leadership succession planning. These organizations also ensure that there is a seamless assimilation of their First Time Managers into the higher levels of management. Grooming potential leaders through a strategic process so that a pipeline of leaders will be available when needed is core to sustainable business continuity. GrowthSqapes uses its proprietary Vintage-Agility Human Capital Model®©to support you formulate and adopt a balanced, logical, scientific and merit-based succession planning strategy for sustainable business continuity.



  • To identify high potential managers, who will be the next generation leaders.
  • To have a strategic approach to fill for unexpected vacancies by inventorying key high potential resources.
  • To maintain a ready human capital base to be agile and quick in responding to changes in the marketplace or business environment.
  • To adopt sustainable business continuity planning as part of strategic planning process.
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

  • Family Business Owners, Directors, figureheads of family businesses and enterprises.
  • CEOs, CXOs, CHROs, Leaders, Executives, Managers who are key decision makers and key role holders.
  • Senior Human Resources management team members.
Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Preparing to enter into a mental frame for adoption of a time-bound succession planning strategy.
  • Facilitating the leadership team to arrive at a consent-based Successor – Predecessor mode of working at the SBU level as well as Enterprise level.
  • Creating and adopting a Leadership Success Accountability rubric ensuring that succession planning does not become a distant ritualistic goal statement.
  • Ensuring least disturbance to business and productivity in the changeover phase.
Business Impact for the Organization

Business Impact for the Organization

  • A clear bluebook for strategic succession planning that replace ad hoc decisions.
  • Augmented Business Continuity Planning for sustainability.
  • A priori bench-strength in the organization for key business critical roles.
  • Agile human resource management processes that embodies change readiness at Business Unit
    Level as well as Enterprise Level.

Design elements

Organization diagnostics

Organization diagnostics

Succession planning models

Succession planning models

Individual assessments

Individual assessments

Individual feedback

Individual feedback

Training workshops

Training workshops

Individual development plans

Individual development plans

Delivery Methods

Facilitative Presentations

Facilitative Presentations

Experiential Workshops

Experiential Workshops

Group Syndicates

Group Syndicates

World Café

World Café



Case Studies

Case Studies

Specific Competency Development

Senior leadership shoulders the responsibility of building business strategy, leading organizations with confidence during change and inspiring stakeholders continuously. In most organizations, the mid-managers transition to senior leadership with the existing functional expertise, but the new responsibilities demand them to hold a macro view of the organization and its operating environment.

We understand the complexities and challenges of a senior leadership role. Our competency framework-based leadership development program/workshop is a researched program developed through experience and insights over years of work across client industries.

In our competency development training programs, we customize global content to the local context that helps organizations to equip their senior-level leaders with high performing leadership behaviours required to achieve transformational growth.

Strategic Mindset

Today, with the emergence of increasing complexity in the business environment, disruption, rapid pace of change and ever increasing competition, in order to enable the organisation to survive and prosper in a global market place, business leaders have to not only create the right strategy, but also ensure seamless execution for the achievement of business results.

GrowthSqapes’ Strategic Mindset guides the leaders to develop the critical competence of creation and execution of various strategies in an organization focussed on “growth mindset”



  • To develop the importance of strategy creation in a Leadership role.
  • Establish the linkage between organisation’s vision and strategic initiatives.
  • Encourage the application of the principles of strategic thinking to the departments/functions.
  • Promote skills to create business strategy and monitor its execution.
Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

Business Leaders, Senior executives, managers at the corporate, business, or functional level in an organization.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Use analytical tools to identify and evaluate the health of a business or its current strategy and its competitive position in the industry.
  • Analyze, identify and evaluate strategic options.
  • Formulate winning strategies that are aligned with organization’s vision/mission and sustains the competitive advantage.
  • Making a plan to execute the chosen strategy.
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Improved strategy formation capabilities of the top leadership team.
  • Enhanced ability to capitalize on the market opportunities by leveraging organizational strengths.
  • Improved execution and implementation of Organizational Strategies by leaders.
  • Enhanced organizational capability to thrive and succeed in a VUCAD world.

Design elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Learning workshop

Learning workshop

Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / Simulations

Activity / Simulations

Role play / Real play

Role play / Real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals


The ability to influence is one of the critical skills for leaders at senior levels. Conventionally speaking, influence and power/authority were intrinsically linked. However, now with organizations becoming flattered, organization structures becoming matrix and processes becoming dependent on collaboration, it is no longer that simple. In many ways, the ability to get things done without the support of traditional power structures is all about the ability to influence others. Many leadership programs frequently include strategies for learning effective influencing skills as leadership is the act of influencing outcomes.

GrowthSqapes’ Influencing outcomes solution is based on our competency framework. This competency development program guides the senior leaders to develop the essential competence of influencing to be able to create tangible outcomes that result in business impact.



  • Develop the importance of influencing stakeholders in a Leadership role
  • Promote the principles & strategies for Influencing & Persuasion
  • Encourage the application of the principles of persuasion science upon the stakeholders of various departments/functions
  • Recognize influencing opportunities to foster a climate of support & collaboration 
Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

Business Leaders, Senior-level executives, managers at the corporate, business, or functional level in an organization.

Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  •  Develop an influencing mindset to cultivate a climate of collaborative results
  • Identify and assess the influence opportunities and choose strategies to achieve business results
  • Use influencing tools and methods to identify and evaluate stakeholders  
  • Design influencing strategies and tactics that help in the achievement of business goals.
Business Impact for Organization

Business Impact for Organization

  • Improved competence in influencing business outcomes in the top leadership team
  • Enhanced ability to capitalize on personal power by leveraging a key leadership strength of senior leaders
  • Improved execution and implementation of Organizational Strategies by senior leaders
  • Creation of a supportive and reciprocal long-term working relationships at all levels of the organization.

Design Elements

Organisational diagnostics

Organisational diagnostics

Training workshop

Training workshop



Delivery Elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Achieving Collaboration Excellence

As business landscapes become increasingly networked and distributed, more companies are ditching hierarchical leadership models in favour of collaborative leadership approaches. In fact, 51% of respondents in a 2018 Deloitte survey rated “C-suite collaboration” as very important. What’s more, according to a recent American Express report, a third of millennials say that they believe within 10 years “the CEO role will no longer be relevant in its current format”. It is owing to this that organizations are flattening vertical structures and encouraging collaboration, agility and collective intelligence. Organizations, particularly business organizations, do not become effective by Escalations. They become effective by Collaborations.

GrowthSqapes’ solution on building collaboration focuses upon the competency development of the key
competency of conflict resolution and collaboration that results in key cross functional synergies across
the organization.



  • Develop the understanding of collaboration as a behaviour in a Leadership role.
  • Establish the linkage between reduced conflicts and better collaboration with organisation’s strategic goals.
  • Promote the collaborative behaviours to uphold a culture of support and inclusion.
  • Create a climate in the organization that is collaborative and conflict free.
Who should attend

Who should attend

Business Heads and Senior-level executives to division managers at the corporate, business, or functional level in an organization.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Understand the essence of one’s own values and business benefits in the context of conflict resolution and collaboration.
  • Learn to build a shared understanding and a collaborative mindset for self and others.
  • Learn to build, strategize and lead collaborative teams within the organization and across geographies.
  • Discover ways to sustain a culture of collaboration and collaborative teams in an organization.
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Shorter turnaround times & sharper communications.
  • Better enterprise-wide synergies on cost, productivity, quality, service and speed.
  • Business scalability becomes an easier and welcomed process.
  • Enhanced levels of trust and flexibility across the organization.

Design elements

Individual assessment

Individual assessment

Individual feedback

Individual feedback

Training workshops

Training workshops

Individual development plans

Individual development plans

Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blend

Technology blend

Creativity & Innovation Laboratory

Most business innovations are results of creativity. Whether older organizations like Disney or new age organizations like Google, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Paytm – it is little wonder that creativity and innovation has been the core business strategy. Businesses warrant creative intervention when traditional approaches and methods fail to solve complex business problems and situations. Creativity as a mindset and innovation as a drive often constitute the core energy and intent behind unconventional and transformative business products and processes.

GrowthSqapes solution on creativity and innovation focuses upon the competency development of the key competency of innovation that results in the creation of a competitive advantage.



  • Develop the understanding of innovation as a leadership behaviour 
  • Communicate the linkage between innovation and organisation’s strategic goals
  • Promote the application of key tools and methods pertaining to creativity and innovation
  • Build capability in the leadership team to enhance their creative capacity to solve complex business problems.
Who should attend

Who should attend

Business Leaders and Senior-level executives to division managers at the corporate, business, or functional level in an organization.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Understand the meaning and essence of creativity and innovation and its business benefits.
  • Enhance one’s natural intrinsic creativity to manifest as extrinsic creative results.
  • Learn creative ideation using tools, techniques and methods to drive innovation.
  • Discover ways to sustain a culture of creativity and innovation in the organization.
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Improved problem solving abilities leading to agility
  • Better enterprise-wide synergies on cost, quality, service and speed.
  • Shorter turnaround times & sharper decision making
  • Creation of competitive advantage to match up with the margins, velocities and scale of the dynamic market.

Design elements

Individual assessment

Individual assessment

Experiential workshops

Experiential workshops

Individual development plans

Individual development plans

Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation

Activity / simulations

Activity / simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Technology blend

Technology blend


Leadership assessment is the process of using tools, methods, tests and analysis to determine an individual’s current leadership strengths, behaviours as well as potential. In the organizational context, leadership assessments are crucial as they determine both leadership as well as organizational effectiveness, both of which play a crucial role in creating business impact. To determine and measure the several factors that influence leadership effectiveness, several different approaches may be used.

Our assessment solutions give insights about crucial leadership traits, personalities and behaviours that help to fast track leadership development and leadership effectiveness thereby creating business impact. Our instruments are used independently as well as in Assessment Centres.



  • Identify the befitting candidates for suitable management positions and their promotion to various leadership roles independently or in an Assessment Centre scenario.
  • Guide a leader’s ongoing professional training and development by identifying specific competency development areas.
Who Should Undergo?

Who Should Undergo?

Business Leaders across the levels and functions.

Key Learning for Participants

Key Learning for Participants

  • Understand own leadership preferences, styles and behaviours appropriate to the leadership role.
  • Learn to create a road map for self-development for different/higher-order roles.
Business Impact for Organization

Business Impact for Organization

  • Awareness of the potencies of the workforce or leadership pool.
  • Improved strategic abilities of the top leadership team leading to better succession planning.
  • Enhanced ability of an organisation to capitalize on market opportunities by leveraging leadership strengths.
  • Improved implementation of Organizational Strategies.

Various Assessments

Leadership potential 

Leadership style and preferences

180/360-degree feedback

Emotional Quotient

Leadership behavioural assessments

Specific skill and competency assessments

Delivery Elements

Behavioural Event Interview (BEI)

Behavioural Event Interview (BEI)

Assessment / Development Centres

Assessment / Development Centres

Activities / Simulations

Activities / Simulations



Online assessments

Online assessments

Building Emotional Intelligence

The challenges faced by today’s leaders are more complex than faced by their predecessors. Hence in today’s VUCAD world leaders experience monumental challenges pertaining to work life balance, stress, productivity demands, engagement, burnout and attrition. As a recently researched subject, it has been seen that Emotional Intelligence plays a central role in realizing success in both personal and professional life of the leader.

GrowthSqapes’ solution on “Building Emotional Intelligence” is built on the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and it’s applications that prepares leaders to overcome the above-mentioned challenges by developing potencies in areas of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, social skills among other relevant emotionally intelligent behaviours.



  • Build a more self-aware senior leadership team across the organization.
  • To ensure a strong bench of emotionally intelligent senior business leaders.
  • To build longer term organisational capability.
  • To promote and foster a growth focused organisational climate.
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

Senior level leaders who have the ability, experience, intellectual agility, motivation, and self-regulation to create and leave a legacy.

Key learning for participants

Key learning for participants

  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence in the Leadership role.
  • Understand self better and strengthen emotional intelligence for better regulation of self.
  • Apply the learnings in a real time basis to actual business/personal challenges faced.
  • Improve skills to maximize productivity and manage conflicts better.
Business impact for organization

Business impact for organization

  • Achieve sustainable business results driven by emotionally intelligent leadership.
  • Make the organisation more agile in terms of change readiness.
  • Build a high performing and collaborative leadership team.
  • Develop understanding of development areas of leaders via individual and group assessment reports.

Design elements

EQ assessment

EQ assessment

Individual feedback

Individual feedback



Individual development plans

Individual development plans

Delivery elements

Facilitation / Presentation

Facilitation / Presentation

Activity / Simulations

Activity / Simulations

Role play / real play

Role play / real play

Case study Discussion

Case study Discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Sustainable Leadership

The CEO and CXO level leadership as commanders may have a pretty good idea as to what should be the next move of the company, but the management team and the workforce are critically busy in the day-to-day battle activities. Can any Board and CXO level leadership commander make the ‘next move’ without the watch-tower intelligence inputs? The problem is, that while they are all experts in their field, but may not be experts in strategic crisis-management in radically abnormal conditions.

Getting-in a skilled strategy consultant is like getting a war ‘observer’. They act as a guide and facilitator who prompts, prods, provokes, and offers insights so that you can make your strategy even more strong.

As, in future, business is going to be all about creating sustainability, this solution of GrowthSqapes helps the CEO and the CXO level leadership get a strategic watch-tower view so that the executive team can make the right operational ‘next moves’ to battle the environmental challenges.




  • Help CEO and CXO level leaders accurately diagnose, define and measure the level of disruption, impact and implication in their business.
  • Make CEO and CXO level leaders re-focus the business based on a criteria-based alignment to the VUCA & BANI emergent priorities.
  • Assist leaders, mitigate future business risks by aligning the operating model to  emergent challenges in business environment.
  • Help the business leaders identify, define and set new measures of outcomes appropriate to the current state of business and future targets.
Who should attend?

Who should attend?

  • This special solution is a must for Boards, CEOs, CXOs, C-suite leaders to optimize their performance to tide over specific business challenges through thoughtful capability-building and crisis leadership development at both an individual and collective level.
  • For those whose primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the company, acting as the main link of communication between the board and corporate operations and being the public face of the company at internal levels and externally.
Key learning for Participants

Key learning for Participants

  • As CXO Leaders, they will develop multiple views of strategic insight to lead the business through the “new normal’.
  • Assess the extent of susceptibility and degree of vulnerability of their businesses so that they can take prudent proactive mitigating measures.
  • Learn to adopt boldly and will be well-equipped to navigate the crisis with time-tuned metrics and insights than traditional metrics and assumptions.
  • With new insights, the CXO leaders would be equipped to devise realistic business-continuity plans aligned emergent business scenarios and would develop resilience for business balancing the cost-flexibility of the operating model without loss of efficiency.
Business Impact for organization

Business Impact for organization

  • Organizations get an Enterprise Impact & Implication Diagnostic Report making them equipped to devise realistic business-continuity plans aligned to emergent business scenarios.
  • Improved resilience for business by balancing the cost-flexibility of the operating model without loss of efficiency.
  • Creation of a collectively evolved Enterprise Strategy Blue Book that offers a roadmap to the next normal as well as the choice of a strategic direction based on changes, disruptions and emerging options
  • Improved ability to adopt boldly and be well-equipped to navigate the crisis with time-tuned metrics and insights than traditional metrics and assumptions.

Design elements

Organization diagnostics

Organization diagnostics

Individual assessment

Individual assessment

IDP creation

IDP creation

Learning laboratories

Learning laboratories

Action Learning Projects

Action Learning Projects

Coaching and feedback session

Coaching and feedback session

Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation



Role play

Role play

Case study discussion

Case study discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Crisis Leadership

Many a times, in business today, leaders see unforeseen crisis. Consequently, the business continuity plans, the risk management rigours, the business forecasting and the VUCA case-studies that they have done earlier appear to be entirely futile given the scale, speed, span and gravity of the new crisis. But, we must understand that leadership in times of crisis is different from leadership in normal times.

Recognising the crisis and identifying its fangs is the first thing that leaders must do. But being human also brings the normalcy bias which oftentimes makes them misjudge the ‘depth of the bite’ and the consequences of its impact.

In a business crisis situation which is marked by high degree of uncertainty, vagueness and unfamiliarity, effectiveness of leadership response is not to follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) that emerge out of standard thinking process, behaviours and mindset. Effective leadership response in crisis is to radically improvise the total leadership response to control and sustain business processes during large-scale emergencies.

We at GrowthSqapes have studied the thinking patterns, behaviours and mindsets that bring out high performance leadership response to manage crisis during large-scale emergencies.

Our Leadership Development for Effective Crisis Response – Program unlocks the leaders’ thinking to enable the leader to come up with radically improvised response to revive and sustain the business processes and people processes impacted by the crisis.



  • Help business leaders diagnose, identify and understand their typical response to threatening situations; what they need to change to enhance their readiness to respond and the effectiveness of their response. Helping them develop radical and improvised thinking patterns while managing in crisis situations.
  • Make the business leaders identify the stages of crisis and respond proactively, appropriate to the stage and construct a new leadership mindset to prepare them for new leadership form that is tuned to the current crisis.
  • Equip leaders with targeted and time sensitive change management communication to people and customers for effective systems predictability, controllability, revival, and sustainability.
  • To provide a road map for business leaders to navigate with resilience, the ever-increasing challenges of today’s VUCA/BANI business environment.
Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

  • This special workshop is a must for Boards, CEOs, and C-suite leaders to optimize their performance to tide over the crisis through thoughtful capability-building and crisis leadership development at both an individual and a collective level.
  • For those whose primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the company, acting as the main link of communication between the board and corporate operations and being the public face of the company at internal levels and externally.
Key learning for Participants

Key learning for Participants

  • Understand self as to “how do I lead in crisis and why do I lead the way I lead”.
  • Analyse self via tools : General Crisis Response Readiness Quotient© and Positive Progressive Mindset© while navigating a crisis.
  • Learn to adopt boldly to respond effectively and appropriately to the stage of crisis, revive and sustain a system and communicate change to stakeholders.
  • As a leader, build resilience in mind and the roadmap in hand to navigate the business through the crisis.
Business Impact for organization

Business Impact for organization

  • Enhanced preparedness of the organization to mitigate the risks, prevent large-system failures and deal with disruptions and unexpected events that threaten to harm its core business process.
  • Elevated leadership capability and creation of a pool of crisis leaders of the company with ‘Here & Now & For This’ crisis management capability building.
  • Improved organizational ability contextual to creating business sustainability.
  • Better execution and implementation of organizational strategies by leaders in post crisis era.

Design elements

Organization diagnostics

Organization diagnostics

Individual assessment

Individual assessment

IDP creation

IDP creation

Learning laboratories

Learning laboratories

Action Learning Projects

Action Learning Projects

Coaching and feedback session

Coaching and feedback session

Delivery elements

Facilitation / presentation

Facilitation / presentation



Role play

Role play

Case study discussion

Case study discussion

Audio Visuals

Audio Visuals

Enquiry form


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